Final fantasy 6 monsters
Final fantasy 6 monsters

final fantasy 6 monsters

Go left and enter the room to trigger a cutscene.Take the top path and go all the way north through the forest until reaching a cave.Go all the way north until reaching a split.Go across the bridge to reach another continent.Approach the bridge to finish the chapter.After the scenes, leave the castle and go to the Overworld to trigger a scene.You’ll be teleported back to Castle Cornelia after winning.Ī Hero's Journey Saved Princess Sarah by defeating Garland.This boss fight is pretty easy, just attack with your Warrior/Thief, heal with the White Mage, and cast Fire/Thunder with the Black Mage.Go back to the entrance and then head north.That’s all the loot you can get from this dungeon at the moment.

final fantasy 6 monsters

Leave the room and go all the way north and then northwest to find another two chests containing a Potion and a Tent.From the entrance, take the left path and enter the bottom left room to find the first chest with Leather Cap.Crazy Horse is kinda rare here, so I highly recommend leaving that one for the next chapter.When you’re ready, go all the way north of the Overworld to reach a destroyed Castle.Sleeping bags are also a decent investment. I bought 10 potions and 10 antidotes with the earned Gil.

final fantasy 6 monsters

  • Can rest at the Inn of Cornelia for 30G to refill HP and MP.
  • Feel free to farm a few levels before venturing into the next dungeon.
  • I’d say don’t bother hunting monsters outside Chaos Shrine as all monsters will show up inside the dungeon anyway.

  • Final fantasy 6 monsters